Bob Burg-The Ultimate Go-Giver

My Interview with the Ultimate Go-Giver

Today, I was privileged to share some time with Bob Burg, author of the fabulous book series, The Go-Giver.  He was a guest on our podcast and I am so filled with gratitude.  

I was first given his work when it was surging in popularity and new to the world. I was running a sales team, way stressed and overworked. 

My then wife and I were looking at buying a new home or building.  It was 2008.  The world was on tilt, much like it is feeling presently.  I don’t recall if it was before or after we broke ground (we’d ultimately decided on building).  In my mind nothing was going right and everything was falling apart.

I read his book.  And I thought, this is a bunch of malarkey! No one gets ahead by giving more value!  I was wrong.

Today, I know better. 

On the podcast we cover the key lessons of his book.  Today, I know the power of providing  value that is above that of the dollar cost.  It’s like Alex Hormozi’s videos teach us, Good Will is an accelerant to business.  It compounds much faster than money.  We spent the first ten minutes talking about value exchange.  

So much value exchanged in our world is not monetary.  Let’s all remember that value is about providing, focusing on and sharing with others as well. 

I really appreciate my accountant–why?  He’s got my back.  He asks great questions.  He understands my business, as well as his.  I won’t even entertain another service.  I’m loyal to him because of the above values he delivers.  

How are you delivering or receptive to the values of others?  This Thanksgiving I am going to share my thoughts with my loved ones.  

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! 




My Interview with the Ultimate Go-Giver

Today, I was privileged to share some time with Bob Burg, author of the fabulous book series, The Go-Giver.  He was a guest on our podcast and I am so filled with gratitude.  

I was first given his work when it was surging in popularity and new to the world. I was running a sales team, way stressed and overworked. 

My then wife and I were looking at buying a new home or building.  It was 2008.  The world was on tilt, much like it is feeling presently.  I don’t recall if it was before or after we broke ground (we’d ultimately decided on building).  In my mind nothing was going right and everything was falling apart.

I read his book.  And I thought, this is a bunch of malarkey! No one gets ahead by giving more value!  I was wrong.

Today, I know better. 

On the podcast we cover the key lessons of his book.  Today, I know the power of providing  value that is above that of the dollar cost.  It’s like Alex Hormozi’s videos teach us, Good Will is an accelerant to business.  It compounds much faster than money.  We spent the first ten minutes talking about value exchange.  

So much value exchanged in our world is not monetary.  Let’s all remember that value is about providing, focusing on and sharing with others as well. 

I really appreciate my accountant–why?  He’s got my back.  He asks great questions.  He understands my business, as well as his.  I won’t even entertain another service.  I’m loyal to him because of the above values he delivers.  

How are you delivering or receptive to the values of others?  This Thanksgiving I am going to share my thoughts with my loved ones.  

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!